Leocadia de Jesus is an Abundant Water Vendor in Dili, Timor-Leste
Leocadia has been one of Abundant Water’s most successful vendors in our project to date. Her story is one of partnership through the Australia Aid: Friendship Grant. As the Principal of Marcelu 2 Primary School, courtesy of another Friendship Grant, her students received free dental treatment from Glebe Road Uniting Church in Queensland. After a chance meeting with an Abundant Water representative in Canberra, Peter Case organised to have ceramic filters installed for the dentists to use during treatment.
Leocadia showed a strong interest in the filters and program after the initial installations. Having taken part in the vendor training in July, she has since been busy promoting and distributing filters within her community.
This is a great example of how partnerships can open up previously unknown opportunities. Abundant Water relies on finding motivated and skilled vendors to drive its program forward and through partnerships with other Australian NGOs, this goal is closer to being realised.