Left to right: Simao Luis da Costa (Timor-Leste Program Manager), Tom O’Malley (Timor-Leste Program Supervisor) and Rita Borges (Abundant Water Vendor) in Dili, Timor-Leste
The Abundant Water team in Timor-Leste recently met with Rita Borges, one of our Vendor partners in Dili. Rita teaches part-time at a public primary school in Dili, where her children also go to school.
Rita first became involved with Abundant Water through long-time friends and donors of Abundant Water. Having received life-saving surgery for one of her children through Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children (ROMAC), she has since maintained an enduring relationship with our mutual friends.
The primary school received filters following a grant from AW supporters from the Rotary Club of Hall, Australia. After Abundant Water installed water filters in the school, Rita approached us about the possibility of being a representative for our program. Rita has since been working tirelessly, teaching during the day and distributing filters in the evening. She has distributed over 100 filters in the month of July alone.