As some of our followers may know, in May 2023 our previous Program Supervisor in Timor-Leste Emily Glazebrook won 2nd prize at the Global Solutions Young Global Changers Recoupling Awards. This saw Emily travel all the way to Berlin to pitch the Abundant Water solution to a panel of judges at the televised event!
As a result of this amazing achievement, Abundant Water received some small funding to put towards our program that will not only have an immediate impact, but go on to drive long-term change.
Program supervisor Emily Glazebrook meeting German Chancellor Olaf Scholz alongside the other Global Solutions finalists.
Following the implementation of our CFLI-funded project in Bobonaro and Liquica in February, the chief of the health centre in Cailaco sub-district reached out to us to collaborate further into the future if we were able to support them.
We subsequently leveraged the funding we recevied from the Global Solutions Initiative to faiclitate this community-driven request. This resulted in the installation of 9 water filters in the health posts within that sub-district to bring clean water to approximately 280 staff and patients.
These initial installations have generated awareness and interest in our product for those in rural Bobonaro. It also creates more opportunity for income-generation amongst our vendors in these areas as more people seek to buy a filter for their home after seeing it used in their local clinic.
This approach aims to scale our impact in providing households with accessible and easy-to-use ceramic water filters. This year, we have sold 186 filters in the sub-districts of Bobonaro and Maliana within the Bobonaro municipality by scaling our impact in providing households with accessible and easy-to-use ceramic water filters. We will build on these sales to further consolidate our presence in the west of Timor-Leste.
Thank you to the Global Solutions Initiative for helping make filter isntallations like this possible.
#AbundantWater #filterinstallations #commongood #YGCRecouplingAwards