11 more trained vendors hit the streets in 7 municipalities in Timor-Leste!

After what has been a tumultuous year for businesses around the world, operations for Abundant Water in Timor-Leste are now almost back to normal. The end of August saw our latest day of vendor training, attracting 11 individuals from 7 different municipalities across Timor-Leste.

The full day of training, led by Program Manager Simao Luis da Costa, briefed the new vendors on the importance of clean water, the assembly, function and frequently asked questions surrounding Abundant Water’s water filters, sales techniques, the ins and outs of Abundant Water’s Social Business Model and an introduction to the Abundant Water vendor network in Timor-Leste. As new vendors for their areas, the participants also drew up a business plan for their new water filter enterprise.


With individuals from our local partner organisation Fokupers, the Rotary Club of Manatuto and Grupo Haburas Unidade (an agricultural group from Letefoho, Ermera), this latest vendor training was our biggest and most diverse training to date.

The training’s ability to also attract vendors from 5 more municipalities (Lautem, Liquica, Ermera, Ainaro and Cova Lima) across Timor-Leste offers great excitement for the team as we continue to expand our operations across more areas of the country! Due to the often difficult issues of accessibility in various areas of Timor-Leste, more local vendors and partners on the ground greatly enhances the organisation’s ability to bring clean water to those most in-need.

Congratulations and good luck to the 11 vendors now taking their first steps as new water filter business operators!

Abundant Water would like to thank Australian Ethical Investments and the Rotary Club of Hall for making this vendor training possible!