Abundant Water has hit the ground running in its 100 village partnership with Caritas, completing its first project in the Khoun district of Laos from 3-6 July.
Over the two years, the partnership will deliver safe and sustainable water to 100 villages across Xiangkhouang Province in the districts of Khoun, Phokout and Mok ensuring thousands of families and children across the Province benefit from access to clean drinking water.
Abundant Water team members Keith, Noukham & Khamkeo (pictured) went on a field visit to five different villages across the district. Families from Nongpheurn, Hoi, Nongnam, Nonglouang and Nalam Villages each received 15 free filters with a total of 75 free filters installed. As will be the case throughout the partnership the filters were installed in the poorest households in each village.
As a sign of the broader impact of the effort a further eight Abundant Water filters were also purchased by families on the visit. This is something the team will seek to replicated over the 95 villages to come.
This social business approach underpinned by helping the poorest families with free filters will increase coverage of clean water within villages across the Province. It is estimated this will see the initial 1800 free filters result in up to 3500 total filters installed.
Illustrating the collaborative nature of the partnership, the Lao Women’s Union (district and provincial level), the District Health Office and the Provincial Nam Saat (Department of Environmental Health and Rural Water Supply) joined in the effort with Abundant Water and Caritas to provide clean water to communities across the district. Abundant Water is committed to working with local partners to build a collective, sustainable and locally driven approach to water security.
Over coming weeks we will introduce you to some families we have helped in our first project and share their optimism for the future thanks to access to clean water for them and their children.